Septième colloque international francophone sur le traitement de la dépendance aux opioïdes Consommations et traitements à travers les âges, genres, pays, et cultures
A propos de TDO 7

Le Colloque international francophone sur le traitement de la dépendance aux opioïdes a été initié à Montréal en 2008 par le Centre de recherche et d’aide pour narcomanes (CRAN) et offre une plateforme d’échanges d’expertises dans la prise en charge de la dépendance aux opioïdes. À la suite du succès de ce premier colloque, ces rencontres ont été renouvelées : Paris en 2010, Genève en 2012, Bruxelles en 2014, Rabat en 2016, Montréal en 2021, et actuellement Beyrouth pour la 7ème édition en 2025.

Après l’organisation du TDO pour la première fois sur le continent africain en 2016 à Rabat, cette 7ème édition sera organisée pour la première fois dans la région du Moyen Orient à Beyrouth, prolongeant la volonté d’élargir et d’enrichir les échanges à des pays et des cultures différentes, déjà amorcée dans les précédentes éditions.

Les intervenants du colloque.
Rencontrez nos intervenants au TDO 7! Obtenez des informations et des connaissances de la part des experts.
Psychiatre addictologue
Responsable du Centre de Prise en charge Intégrée des Addictions de Dakar (CEPIAD)
Président de la Société Tunisienne d'Addictologie (Stadd)

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TDO 7 Calendrier
Découvrez le calendrier d'Eventchamp ! Restez au courant des événements, ateliers et conférences à venir.
Day 1
  • November 17, 2024 12:00
    Introduction to Event Planning

    This session provides an overview of the event planning industry, including its scope, different types of events, and essential skills required for success. The session will also discuss the role of an event planner, stages of event planning, and the importance of effective communication and collaboration.

  • November 17, 2024 13:00
    Marketing Strategies for Events

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  • November 17, 2024 13:30
    Lunch Break

    Enjoy a delicious lunch while networking with fellow attendees and exchanging ideas and experiences in the event planning industry.

  • November 17, 2024 14:30
    Budgeting and Financial Management

    This session covers the essential aspects of event budgeting and financial management. Attendees will learn how to develop a comprehensive budget, manage expenses, identify potential cost-saving measures, and monitor financial performance throughout the planning process.

  • November 17, 2024 15:00
    Venue Selection and Logistics

    This session explores the critical factors in selecting the perfect venue and managing event logistics. Topics include venue assessment, negotiation, contracts, and coordinating transportation, accommodation, and other logistical elements.

  • November 17, 2024 16:00
    Coffee Break

    Recharge with a coffee break and take the opportunity to network with other attendees and industry professionals.

  • November 17, 2024 17:50
    Event Design and Decor

    This session delves into the creative aspects of event planning, focusing on design and decor. Attendees will learn about design principles, event themes, color schemes, and innovative ideas to create visually stunning and memorable events.

Day 2
  • November 18, 2024 09:30
    Catering and Menu Planning

    This session discusses the importance of catering and menu planning for successful events. Topics include selecting a caterer, developing a diverse and appealing menu, accommodating dietary restrictions, and managing food and beverage service logistics.

  • November 18, 2024 10:45
    Entertainment and Activities

    This session covers the planning and management of entertainment and activities for events. Participants will learn about identifying suitable entertainment options, negotiating contracts, and ensuring a seamless integration of activities into the event program.

  • November 18, 2024 11:30
    Lunch Break

    Enjoy another networking lunch break, sharing experiences and discussing the morning sessions.

  • November 18, 2024 12:30
    Event Technology and Social Media

    This session highlights the role of technology and social media in modern event planning. Attendees will discover how to leverage technology for event promotion, attendee engagement, and event management, as well as harness the power of social media for increased visibility.

  • November 18, 2024 13:30
    Event Safety and Security

    This session addresses the crucial aspects of event safety and security. Topics include risk assessment, emergency planning, crowd management, and coordinating with local authorities and security personnel to ensure a safe event experience.

  • November 18, 2024 15:00
    Coffee Break

    Enjoy another opportunity to network and engage in conversation with your peers during this coffee break.

  • November 18, 2024 16:30
    Event Evaluation and Post-Event Activities

    This session focuses on the importance of event evaluation and post-event activities. Attendees will learn how to measure event success, gather attendee feedback, analyze data, and implement improvements for future events. The session will also discuss post-event activities such as follow-up communication, maintaining relationships with attendees, and sharing event highlights on various platforms.

Day 3
  • November 19, 2024 10:00
    Event Planning Case Studies

    This session examines real-life case studies of successful and challenging events, providing attendees with valuable insights and practical lessons. Participants will have the opportunity to analyze various aspects of event planning, including strategy, execution, and problem-solving.

  • November 19, 2024 11:00
    Panel Discussion with Industry Experts

    This interactive session features a panel of seasoned industry professionals who will share their experiences, tips, and advice on event planning. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain insights from the panel's diverse perspectives and expertise.

  • November 19, 2024 11:30
    Lunch Break

    Enjoy a final networking lunch break, discussing the panel discussion and sharing your thoughts on the event so far.

  • November 19, 2024 12:30
    Networking and Building Industry Relationships

    This session highlights the importance of networking and building strong industry relationships for long-term success in event planning. Attendees will learn strategies for effective networking, maintaining connections, and collaborating with industry peers.

  • November 19, 2024 14:00
    Closing Remarks and Event Recap

    In this closing session, the Eventchamp team will provide a recap of the key takeaways from the event, emphasizing essential learnings and insights. Attendees will leave feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to apply their newfound knowledge to their event planning projects.

Le lieu de la conférence
Découvrez l'UNIVERSITE SAINT-JOSEPH, Campus des Sciences Médicales - Beyrouth
Buy Tickets
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Access to Day 1 sessions

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Networking opportunities

Post-event recordings


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Digital event materials

Networking opportunities

Select session recordings


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